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My 1st Self Portait Photo Series: Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto

My 1st Self Portait Photo Series: Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto


2020 presented a drastic change in the way of life on the island and created this kind of hermit mindset with the temporary lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There were times that the community was literally ordered by the government to “shelter-in-place” which made it illegal for you to leave your home or even be seen in your garden if it overlooked a public street. During the most drastic of times, I participated in an intensive online experimental photography workshop hosted by Ateliers ’89 and Venezuelan photographer, Daniel Benaim. This photo series, “Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto”, was birthed therefrom.

One of the official languages of Aruba is Papiamento in which there exists a saying that goes “sopi pura ta sali salo” (translated in english as “hastened soup turns out salty”) that means if you rush something it will turn out bad. In other words, if you rush a process then the outcomes will be less favourable. This 5-piece black & white self-portrait series is titled, “Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto”, (translated in english as “sensible soup turns out honest”) as it is a visual representation of true self-discovery and empowerment through one’s curiosity and sensibilities. The more the subject opens up to exploring and discovering themselves, the more empowered they become, and with that, their true nature is revealed.

Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto, self portrait photo series by MEANRO (2020)

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Megan “MEANRO” Rojer
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Megan “MEANRO” Rojer
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Megan “MEANRO” Rojer
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Megan “MEANRO” Rojer
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Megan “MEANRO” Rojer

Featured in Bon Dia Aruba Newspaper

During the experimental photography exhibit in June 2022 at Ateliers ’89 I stood next to my work for hours answering questions and explaining the creative process of Sopi Sensibel ta Sali Honesto to numerous individuals. One of which was Pilar Flores of Bon Dia Aruba, who later featured the bloack-and-white photo series in their newspaper article titled Un perspectiva nobo atraves di fotografia which was printed and distributed around the island on July 10th, 2020. Below you see snapshots of this article in Papiamento.
